Copyright 2011 by Cyndi Singh - Design by Michael Gora
Why Ice and Anti Inflammatory medication is NOT the answer
5 Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Lower Back
Simple Yoga Stretches for Relieving Chronic Sciatica Pain
Why people can't do certain Yoga Poses
Shocking: The Effects Of Negative Thoughts And Emotions On Your Body
You're Texting your way to Back Pain
Massage Benefits
Thomas Myers: "Why does Massage Hurt"
Published on Nov 4, 2014
Thomas Myers from Anatomy Trains breaks down why massage (myofascial release therapy), exercise or any forms of structural integration therapy hurts. He gives some amazing insight on pain in general and why your perception of it might have more to do with that sensation. Definitely a must watch if you are an avid exerciser wanting to keep training for a while!