When to get a massage
Anytime is a great time to receive a massage. Don't wait until you are injured or extremely overwhelmed with the stress of daily living. Stress is a normal part of our life, and how you react is crucial. Massage is a great way to reduce stress.
When not to get a massage
There are various conditions that are contraindications for massage; any type of infectious disease, fever, muscle relaxers taken within 4-6 hours of massage, severe/acute injuries, severe colds, open wounds or lesions, fractures, tumors, and cancers (get a Dr's advice). If in doubt call your therapist and ask.
What to wear during the massage
You can undress 'to your level of comfort'. Your therapist can work around the clothed areas. You can still receive the full benefits of a great massage partially clothed. So don't let this stop you from a great experience.
You will be draped with a sheet
You can expect to be draped at all times during your massage. The only areas not covered are the areas being worked. During the initial interview with your therapist you will be instructed on how to get on the table. Your therapist steps out of the room and allow you adequate time to get on the table before she returns to the room. Private areas are not massaged.
What areas will be massaged
This will be addressed during the initial interview with your therapist. You can inform your therapist of the areas you prefer massaged and those you prefer not to be massaged. Be assured that the only consistent area that a professional, ethical massage therapist will not massage is the genitals. Your therapist will make you feel as comfortable as possible. Some people may experience nervousness about certain areas being massaged. It's important that you try to relax and enjoy the experience. It's also likely that as you continue receiving massages, the nervousness will subside. However, at any time you feel uncomfortable, speak up and the therapist will be more than happy to make adjustments.
Massage may cause discomfort but should not be painful
The question many people ask, Does massage hurt? This depends on the pressure used while performing the strokes. A light massage is very effective and may not hurt. However, other forms of massage get into the depth and layers of muscles causing some discomfort. Generally, if your muscles are tight or sore you will feel some discomfort. If it hurts, it should be a 'good hurt', you are able to breathe normally and continue the session. Everyone's threshold of pain is different and the therapist will work with you on this. If at any time the pain moves from discomfort to unbearable pain, let your therapist know and adjustments will be made immediately. If the pain persists, the therapist will stop the session and/or cease massage in that area. Your therapist will advise you to see your physician to rule out a more serious problem.
You can talk and/or not talk during the massage
The session is for your enjoyment. Whatever makes you happy is fine with your therapist. It's a time for you to forget about the pain and stress that brought you to the massage therapist. For some people talking is relaxing, for others complete silence works. Expect your therapist to only initiate conversation to determine how comfortable you are and to make the necessary adjustments to enhance your experience.